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  MobileSheets v3.9 and MobileSheets Companion v1.3.5 Released
Posted by: Zubersoft - 01-07-2013, 09:23 PM - Forum: News - Replies (12)

I'm happy to announce that I've released MobileSheets v3.9 for all markets, although both Amazon and Barnes & Noble have to first approve the release. This update is a mix of new features and important fixes to bugs that have been reported by users. I was hoping to get more new features in this release, such as positional zooming, continuous vertical scrolling, audio player enhancements, etc, but I decided it was more important to get the bug fixes released first, and focus solely on new features for the next update. The changes for this release are as follows:

MobileSheets v3.9
- Fixed positioning of annotations and link points
- Added option to load setlists on the setlist editor screen (press & hold)
- Added option to load songs from both the setlist editor and collection editor
- File references are now kept to ensure that files shared by multiple songs are not deleted while deleting songs
- Fixed various crashes reported with adding and editing bookmarks
- Annotation lines can now be properly erased with the erase tool
- Fixed batch import to correctly group image files based on similar names
- Greatly improved tap detection for turning pages (added deadzone for movement)
- The overlay is now hidden automatically when a new song or setlist is loaded
- Added smoothing modes for freeform drawings. This greatly enhances the quality for high resolution tablets.
- Both search fields on the library screen are now cleared after a song or setlist is loaded
- Added ability to jump to a letter if viewing a sorted setlist
- Changed guitar tab to just tab
- Added freehand file support. You can add .fh files individually or use the batch import. Freehand files turn into .pngs
- Added a batch import button in the dropdown menu at the top right of the library screen
- Moved database location. It is now accessible from file browsers. The next update will add the ability for multiple tablets to share one database file
- Finished changes to support multiple languages.
- A number of other bug fixes and small enhancements

MobileSheets Companion v1.3.5
- Add default setting for Create subdirectory for song
- Fixed bug where cancelling a batch import caused a crash.
- Fixed bugs related to setlist ordering with duplicate songs.
- Added drag and drop file support for the music selection dialog
- Fixed bug where companion app could remove annotations from songs
- Added freehand (.fh) file support to both the Song editor and batch import dialog.
- Added dropdowns to metadata defaults dialog for faster selection
- Fixed bugs with certain source type filters not working
- Fixed batch import to correctly group image files with similar names

I hope everyone enjoys the new features. The next update should be a more exciting one full of big changes.


  Help Needed From Translators, v3.9 on the way, support coming for NOOK HD
Posted by: Zubersoft - 12-28-2012, 06:14 PM - Forum: News - Replies (8)

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful time during the holidays. I’ve been hard at work on MobileSheets, trying to get a lot of bug fixes and enhancements ready for v3.9. Some of the Amazon users may have noticed that there is a bug that is causing a crash with v3.8, where it will crash the app if you rotate your tablet on the library screen. I will probably release v3.9 faster to take care of this, and some other outstanding bugs, and save some of the big new enhancements like positional zooming for v4.0.

Another thing I’ve been working hard on is support for multiple languages. I now have everything in place to support any number of languages, but I don’t have the resources to translate into all of the various languages out there. All that is required to help me translate the app is to take one text file from me, translate all of the words and sentences in it, and then send the file back to me. For the truly ambitious, I would great appreciate help translating the market page and the manual. If any of you are interested in helping MobileSheets reach a whole new set of users, please send me an email at mike@zubersoft.com (or respond here with contact info), and I will fill you in on all of the details. I really appreciate all of the support I’ve received – you all are helping make MobileSheets get better and better.

As a side note, I’m currently trying to release MobileSheets for the NOOK series of tablets, but I’ve run into several issues that Barnes & Nobles require to be addressed to meet their criteria for release. I should hopefully have it all straightened out in a week or so. For those with a NOOK or those considering purchasing one, MobileSheets should be available soon!

I hope you all have a great New Year!


  AirTurn Pedal Sale Dec 5th and 6th. 15% off and free shipping
Posted by: Zubersoft - 12-05-2012, 07:15 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

If any of you have been waiting to get a bluetooth pedal for hands free page turning, now is the time. Dec 5th and 6th, you can visit AirTurn and order a new 2 pedal or 4 pedal BT-105 with 15% off and free shipping. Just visit airturn.com/mobilesheets and use coupon code ms15. Support for 4 pedals will be added very soon so that you can drive various features in mobilesheets with the extra pedals.

[Image: sale2.jpg]

  MobileSheets v3.8 and MobileSheets Companion v1.3.4 Released
Posted by: Zubersoft - 11-19-2012, 09:15 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

Although it took longer than I had planned, I'm pleased to announce the release of v3.8 for MobileSheets. This release has a large number of bug fixes and a few great enhancements as well. As always, I can't thank enough all of the users that have reported issues, and helped me reproduce the problems, as well as all of you that have sent great ideas my way.

Changes for MobileSheets v3.8:
- Fixed crash with Android 4.2
- Added PDF to image conversion support through the options page
- Night mode now works correctly for image files
- Fixed bug where adding audio files to a new song didn't actually save the audio files
- Added support for password protected PDFs
- Added ability to set library screen text size in the options.
- Fixed bug where library restore would fail if any stamp annotations had been used
- Added ability to hide page slider at all times
- Added option to load entire setlist when song is tapped on the library screen
- Fixed issue with stamps no longer showing up in songs
- Added color to notes symbol on song editor screen to signify that a song has audio tracks
- Fixed bug that would cause copying a song to remove the original song's files
- Fixed annotations mode panning issue in landscape mode
- Fixed half page turns with a pedal
- Removed ads from the free version
- Fixed delay in turning pages
- Removed double-tap and added press and hold option for bringing up the overlay

Changes for MobileSheetsCompanion v1.3.4:
- Fixed a number of crashes
- Fixed bugs with reordering setlists
- Fixed drag and drop bugs with various lists
- Now properly stripping out '~' as an invalid character for filenames
- Fixed issues with batch importing image file types

  Updates to the Manual Are Complete. v3.9 is in Progress.
Posted by: Zubersoft - 11-12-2012, 06:30 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm finally done with all of the updates to the manual. It now accurately reflects all of the features available in MobileSheets including annotations. There is a lot of information in the manual - even users that are very comfortable with the software can probably get something out of reading the latest version.

I am also hard at work on an update to fix a lot of issues that have been reported lately. The update is also going to address some problems that have been present for awhile. I'll try to get the update finished as soon as possible, but I really don't want to rush this one. I may break the update up into two parts to get users critical fixes sooner.


  MobileSheets v3.7 and MobileSheets Companion v1.3.3 Released
Posted by: Zubersoft - 10-29-2012, 09:07 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

With the release of v3.6, which included annotations, a lot of new functionality was introduced. Unfortunately, several bugs made it into the release which caused problems for many users. I have tried to address all of the issues that came up, and respond to most of the requests that were submitted through email and the forums. Thanks to everyone for your patience in getting these problems resolved, and for the feedback you’ve all provided. The product is going to keep getting better thanks to the ideas and suggestions you’ve all submitted. Now for the changes:

MobileSheets v3.7
- Fixed error with SlideME users where paid users were limited to 8 songs
- Added worship genre
- Fixed errors with backing up library to companion app
- Improved robustness of backup/restore. Songs with errors can be skipped now, and better error messages are displayed upon unrecoverable failures
- Fixed pedal scrolling so that it is smooth again. Also fixed error with scrolling up/previous page.
- Fixed visual metronome accuracy/redrawing
- Fixed scaling problems caused by creating annotations in landscape mode
- Fixed bug where multi-line text annotations would display all text on one line
- The last used annotation settings are now saved
- Fixed errors with half-page turns.
- Fixed problem with creating link points in landscape mode

Mobilesheets Companion v1.3.3
- Fixed crash during library backup
- Added additional protection against crashes while editing a song.
- Added support for new library backup format that can skip past errors
- Added worship genre
- Added new Files column for songs
- Added Convert PDF to Images option to File menu (no connection required)

  MobileSheets v3.5 and MobileSheets Companion v1.3.1 Released
Posted by: Zubersoft - 10-22-2012, 11:27 PM - Forum: News - Replies (12)

I'm happy to announce that MobileSheets v3.5 has been released, which includes annotations! Not every feature has made it into this initial version, but all of the important features are included. Features such as support for placing custom bitmaps on the sheet music will be added soon. Here is an overview of the features:

MobileSheets v3.5
- Support for annotations has finally been added! Tap the pencil icon while viewing a song to enter the annotation editor
- Fixed bugs with artists disappearing due to database errors
- Major optimizations: Significant drop in CPU usage. This will increase battery life and decrease loading times
- Fixed freezing issues with various tablets
- Fixed bug where batch importing a large number of files from the companion app causes the app to stop responding
- PDF renderer updates. Major performance improvements for some files.
- Link points now render correctly at all zoom levels, and respond accurately to finger presses
- Fixed various crashes

MobileSheets Companion v1.3.1
- Updated database code to handle annotations
- Fixed possible errors due to bugs in handling file paths

I hope this update works well for everyone. I'll be anxious to hear feedback!


  Progress on Annotations and Odd Crash
Posted by: Zubersoft - 09-02-2012, 03:37 AM - Forum: News - Replies (14)

Annotations are currently in beta. Expected release date is around the 20-21st. I will post a full list of fixes/enhancements soon that will also make it into the update. I have also set up a bug tracking system at http://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/issues that I will begin using soon to keep track of user suggestions and to track my progress in solving bugs. Users will be free to submit bug reports.

  MobileSheets v3.4 and Vacation
Posted by: Zubersoft - 07-28-2012, 04:50 PM - Forum: News - Replies (3)

MobileSheets v3.4 has been released and fixes the following issues:

- Fixed alternating row color bug where all rows turn gray
- Fixed various layout issues, and made all text the same size on the song editor screen
- Added 'Remove Song From Setlist' option to the library song menu when you press and hold
- Added option to 'Try Again' when selecting a random song to generate a new selection
- Changed 'Create Song From This' menu option to 'Copy Song'

There have been quite a few updates in the past couple weeks, but this one will be the last for a little while. I am also leaving on a week long vacation, and will be completely unable to check email or respond to posts on the forum. I hope the application works well for everyone in the meantime, and I will respond to people as soon as possible when I return. Thanks everyone for all of the bug reports, suggestions, and feedback.


  MobileSheets v3.3 Released with significant PDF render speed increases
Posted by: Zubersoft - 07-25-2012, 07:51 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

After releasing the last update, users reported a couple of errors that I needed to fix immediately. The most significant was the broken page slider. In addition, a user brought to my attention the fact the PDF renderer has gotten much slower. It turns out that I was not using the PDF Max Memory Usage option correctly, and was severely limiting the available memory for the PDF renderer. This option should now work as intended, and the rendering speed is on the order of 10x faster. I also fixed the library list selection so that the selection effects show up again when you tap, and provided three different gray colors for the alternate row color option. Thanks everyone for your patience with the frequent updates. Here is the summary of the changes:

MobileSheets v3.3
- Fixed PDF rendering speed issue related to max memory usage - documents should load much faster
- Fixed error with Page Slider causing no more images to load after seeking to page
- Additional alternate row color selections
- Restored list selection effects

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