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ChordPro - display diagrams ?
What's the current status of this feature? I have a number of guitarists who like to complain about "difficult" or "obscure" chords in arrangements; being able to have chord diagrams would be a big plus.

Looks like it essentially involves being able to process the ChordPro {define} directive, and maybe having a default library of standard definitions to use for chords found in a file without a corresponding definition. Extra points for allowing user modification/addition to the library. A nice GUI editor would be nice, but even just having a text file, with each chord definition on its own line, would be plenty for a first go-round.

It's up next on my list after I wrap up the face gesture detection on Windows.

are there some new infos about showing chorddiagramms in mobilesheets?
It was originally planned for 3.9.0, but I think I'm going to push it back to 3.9.1 (or one of the smaller updates after 3.9.0). I'm just trying to wrap up the companion app work which has taken far longer than originally planned.

Hello, I saw that your application now supports displaying chords provided in a ChordsPro file. However, I am unable to display them. What is the method to follow? Thank you in advance for your response.
Exemple of instruction in chordspro file : {define: C7 base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 3 1 0}
An exemple of start file : "{artist:Claude François}
{title:Viens à la maison}
{comment:<span color="red">(rythme boom, tchak, tchak, tchak)</span>}
{define: C7 base-fret 1 frets x 3 2 3 1 0}
{chord: As  base-fret 4 frets 1 3 3 2 1 1 fingers 1 3 4 2 1 1}
It's not implemented yet. I had to delay it in order to get out 3.9.0 which had some important bug fixes that needed to be prioritized. It will come in one of the 3.9.X updates, along with other promised chord pro functionality.

(07-22-2023, 03:57 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: RE The pango markup syntax should give you complete control over the styling of the file. So I would recommend utilizing that if you need more fine-tuned control.

I'm not sure I understand what you are referring to when you mention "repetitions" in this context. What are you wanting to be able to place in the corners? Something in the MobileSheets UI? Or something in the file itself? 

I don't support chord diagrams at the moment, but I'm adding that in the next major update.


Hi Mike, 

Any idea when the chord diagram view will be added to pro files on android eink mobile version, I am really looking forward to this update and check every time an update is pushed. This would an be absoutly amazing feature as I play different instruments and could toggle chord diagrams for each instrument then move to a complete chord pro format for my library. Such a solution would greatly benefit playing with others and educational enviroments.  I added a pic of a site that does this well.

Please and thanks.     

It's on my list for one of the 3.9.X updates.

(11-17-2024, 06:03 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: It's on my list for one of the 3.9.X updates.


Pleeeeze ;-)
Desperately waiting for the {chord: xxx} tag for the same reason as kevinhusson1: Band mates rolling their eyes cause I put some "funny chords" in an arrangement ;-)
Is there any update on the {chords} tag of ChordPro?
It's up next once I resolve remaining bugs with the current versions. I'm going to mix various things together for the following updates to address features I'm getting the most requests for before starting on 3.10.0 which will be focused on changes to the annotations editor.


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