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2 page turns in landscape skip by start of next piece
I'm having difficulties getting 2 page turns to work consistently. I often play 4 hands with another pianist, so I have a larger Windows laptop that I use in landscape, showing 2 pages (secondo and primo). I use the setting to turn 2 pages forward (and back) on a lower touch as well as my foot pedal.

When I reach the end of a piece and do the 2 page touch/tap, it will often skip by the start of the next piece, going to pages 3 and 4 rather than 1 and 2. (both for my side-by-side pieces and solos).

At first I used the setting to not allow the foot pedal to change pieces, but this doesn't really fix the issue. For solo pieces I'm now adding a blank page at the end of the pdf for odd numbered pages, just to keep the left and rights consistent. However the skip by other pieces is still a problem.

Also my three finger tap doesn't work. (Separate issue, but something I want to use to go back a piece.)
So, just to clarify - does the number of pages in the score matter? You said you added a blank page, making it sound like that might have helped with the problem, but then said it still encounters in other pieces, so I'm unclear about that.

If you tap the side to turn pages instead of triggering the touch action, does it work properly? What about with the pedal? If you only turn pages with the pedal, does the problem still occur? I'm just trying to identify if you are experiencing an issue that will occur regardless of how the pages are turned, or if it's specific to one feature, so I know where to investigate in the code.

One last question - do you have the option enabled to separate songs/pieces in two page mode?

I seem to be completely unable to reproduce any issues, so I need the following:

1) Go to Settings->Backup and Restore->Export Settings and send the .mcf file to mike@zubersoft.com
2) Export the setlist by going to the setlists tab, long pressing the setlist, tapping Share->Export Songs and Files (or Export Pieces and Files), and share the .msf file that is generated with mike@zubersoft.com

Thank you for your amazingly quick reply! I sent the files.

The white page did not help, it was just so it didn't repeat page 2 on a double page turn, and so I could turn off the don't go to next piece setting with the pedal.

For anyone that watches this thread - this problem was due to the use of the "Go forward two pages" touch or pedal action while using the two page display mode instead of changing the page turn mode and just turning pages normally (two at a time). I'm going to add code to get around this problem for users that want to be able to turn one page at a time, with the option to turn two pages when needed.

Thank you again Mike. You officially win best detailed response and help for a user, above all the other software applications I have asked for support from over the years. I'm an intense software user in my business, so that says a lot!!

I am now controlling my page turns using the setlist 2 page, rather than the touch and pedal response which works great.

I also read your note about why you developed MobileSheets. It reminded my why I moved from paper and playbooks to your software. I was traveling to see my mom in a senior's home and wanting to play music there, often with her singing as she sang soprano for much of her life in choirs. Finding and then packing all the right music was a pain. Now I play with MobileSheets on my large laptop and she can also see the music on it better as well!

Thank you! Alexis
You are very welcome Alexis - and thank you for sharing your story as well. I always love to hear about people's experiences and how MobileSheets has helped them.


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