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Pitch black page...
I'm tapping it, usually to go to an approximate page.
It's possible that's generating multiple touch events, causing the slider to first jump to one spot, then slide over to another. It's usually much more accurate to press and slide then release. If you always use the page slider this way, I would recommend disabling the page preview feature as that could potentially be related to the issues you are seeing.
Aaaaaaahh!!! Black page again, and both my theories were knocked to the ground! I turned the pages calmly from the start this time, one page at a time, and didn't as much as touch the page slider. Page 5: Black. And this time, I had the render preference set to speed, which I have hitherto believed to be a fail-proof solution. I'm completely at a loss about what to do, and what's causing this seemingly completely random appearance of black pages. I have invested so much time in scanning my entire library and transitioning into the world of digital music, I really don't want to go back - but as it is, I feel I have no choice but to pick up my paper music again. I'm so scared of this happening in the middle of a recital... Usually I can view thousands of pages between each time a black page appears, but then sometimes I get two or three occurrences within just a few days..

As it seems I am the only seeing these problems, could it have anything to do with the way my pdf's are optimized? I have scanned and optimized almost my entire library with the same settings, using Adobe Acrobat 8. Maybe I could send you one of my files, if that could help with the debugging?

And, as a temporary solution - would it be possible to add a new selectable corner action, to "force reload page"? IF the black page should appear during a performance for example, it would be a lifesaver to be able to reload the page this way, instead of having to fiddle with pinch zooming or turning the tablet sideways and back again, which would take way too much time in such a situation..
I am also using a Samsung Note Pro (P900) but I've never seen this problem. If I had, I would be like you and extremely worried about a failure during performance.

I'm wondering if it is related to the OS - you are on 5, while I am still running 4.4.2?  I know it might seem a bit of a long shot, but I would first try uninstalling/reinstalling MSP and if that doesn't work, rolling back to the earlier OS might.

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
I highly doubt it's related to the OS version because my Nexus 10 is running 5.0.2 and I've never seen this problem (except when using Setlists as described in my earlier posts). I'm going to have to think on this for awhile to see if I can come up with a solution that ensures a page can never end up in the state that you describe. My current framework, in theory, should never allow that, so without a way to reproduce the problem, I have no idea how it's getting in that state. In the meantime, one solution you can use is to set one of the corners to the touch action "Toggle Night Mode". If you tap that corner twice, it will cause the re-render to occur.

Thanks for your patience on this issue - it would be a heck of a lot easier to fix if it happened more regularly (or at all in my case). If you can send me a file you've been using, that would be great. Perhaps if I just open and page through that file enough times I'll see the problem...

A couple of observations; so far the black pages seem to be the odd numbered of the series, are the black pages ones that have been rotated or a mix? As far fetched as it seems they may be symptoms. Another possibility is a defective device. Does this happen after the unit has been on a short/long/random time? Do you have any other apps running when it happens, maybe in the background?
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12
I've been thinking through this, and I think I've located two potential areas in the code where the rendering thread could potentially be locked indefinitely. Doing something like rotating the tablet causes the current rendering thread to be suspended while changes are being processed, then a new thread is started back up (which is why the page will start rendering after that). I'm planning on releasing an update tonight, so I would like you to give these changes one more shot with the Quality rendering. Hopefully, with the amount you've been seeing this, we will be able to determine fairly quickly whether my changes have finally addressed this issue.

(03-28-2016, 08:19 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I highly doubt it's related to the OS version because my Nexus 10 is running 5.0.2 and I've never seen this problem

I take the point, but Samsung have (in their infinite wisdom) decided to tread a very different path with the Android OS and appear to have made some quite fundamental changes to it. We all know what happened to Bluetooth support, following an 'upgrade!

One of the major disadvantages of Android is how different companies are allowed to tailor it to what they think is the best for their customers.

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
I definitely can't argue with that - I'm constantly battling headaches due to all of the different manufacturer OS modifications. One user contacted me because on his tablet, tapping the rating stars has no effect - they don't change colors or appear to react to the touch, yet the rating is being set. The tablet is a Medion Lifetab S1036, and I've actually heard about a lot of weird problems from users with the Medion Lifetab tablets. The major brands seem to have fewer issues, but you still never know what can happen with OS updates.
At least odd numbered / rotated pages can't be the problem. I've seen this with equal numbered pages as well, and the piece which failed yesterday had no rotated pages (scanned from separate A4-pages, and not from a book). I have now uninstalled and reinstalled Msp, as Graeme suggested, but will wait a little before downgrading, as that's a little more complicated.. I also believe I saw this problem before upgrading the OS to 5.

Will send a sample pdf file shortly.

Thank you for all help and suggestions so far!
Another thought, could it have anything to do with using the Norwegian translation? It seems strange, but I'm just thinking about all possibilities, and why so few others are seeing this.. Ketil, if you are reading this, have you experienced anything like this?
Anyway, I will try going back to the English version, and see if it makes any difference..

I use Norwegian almost all the time, and haven't seen this.
Using Samsung Note Pro (SM-P900) with Android 5.0.2
Steinway - Please try version 1.4.3 when you get a chance to see if it's resolved the issue.

Thank you, I have now installed the new version, and will try it out as much as possible over the next days. :-)
Any luck with the file I sent? I'm very sorry to say that I had another instance of Black Page today... Now with language set to English (so using the Norwegian translation was definitely not to blame), and on 1.4.4 (so all the work you have done with potential rendering bugs still doesn't seem to have resolved this issue...).
Using the suggested remedy of changing to Night mode and back with a corner action did indeed bring the page back, but cost precious seconds..
Anyone else using the Samsung Note Pro with Android 5? I don't really want to start experimenting with downgrading the OS to Android 4, but I realize it may be "the only thing" left to try, if no other solution suddenly reveals itself...

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